Boost Your E-Commerce Performance with HelpForShopping

Engage more, sell more, and support better with our easy-to-install live chat widget.


Why Choose Our Live Chat Widget?

Increase Conversion Rates
Increase Conversion Rates

Interact directly with visitors to boost conversions and direct sales through real-time product suggestions linked to your catalog.

Lower Product Returns
Lower Product Returns

Informed customers make confident purchases—reduce returns with expert advice and targeted support.

Enhance Trust and Loyalty
Enhance Trust and Loyalty

Build long-term relationships with customers recognizing returning visitors and empowering your best customers with special benefits.

Better and Quicker Support
Better and Quicker Support

Quick response features and 'one-click FAQs' for a faster, more effective customer service.


Seamlessly Integrate HelpForShopping with Your Store

No coding skills needed, get up and running in minutes with our Wordpress plugin. Check our guide on how to install and activate the plugin.

Shopify and Odoo Plugins coming soon!


Increased Conversion Rate


Reduced Product Return


Increased Customer Retention Rate


Increased Customer Satisfaction


Increased Customer LTV



Our Services: Live Chat and Expert Community

Agent-Based Solution

Live Chat with a Twist
  • Users Recognition

    Identify returning visitors and allow them to continue the chat from where they left.

  • See What Users Are Watching

    Know where visitors are and track their journey into your shop to identify their needs.

  • Know Which Chats Lead to Sales

    We track every conversion occurring on the website so you know what chats allowed you to sell and improve your agents performance.

  • See What Users Are Writing

    Reach quicker response time and make your customers more satisfied knowing what they are writing as they write it.

  • Initiate Chats

    Let visitors come to you with a question or approach them first with a specific message based on their journey on your website.

  • Users Can Retrieve Previously Suggested Products

    Search for products to suggest to your visitors directly from the backoffice and add them to the chat, registered visitors will be able to see the list of products suggested and re-initiate their shopping process if interrupted.

  • One-click FAQs Reply

    Set a FAQs list that agents can reply with to specific visitors questions in just one click.

  • Selective Agents Involvement

    Set each agent to one or more product categories so that he or she will be selected for chats only related to those categories. Users can also change Agent or Category while chatting if desired.

Experts Community Addon

Reach Out Beyond
  • All The Benefits of Agent-Based PLUS

    Experts Community Addon is, an Addon, you can include in your Subscription at any time, maintain all the benefits of the Agent-based solution and even more!

  • Elevate Your Best Customers To Brand Ambassadors

    Your most valuable clients can be enhanced even further involving them as product experts and allowing them to answer to your visitors questions, clearing out any doubts they may have about purchasing from you.

  • HelpForShopping Experts Community

    In addition to your own best customers, HelpForShopping Community of experts grows with time, with more product experts available to help your users finding their ideal product and turning into happy and satisfied customers.

  • Active 24/7

    Experts can be online at any moment, ready to assist your visitors at any time, during evenings and over weekends

  • Same Goal

    Experts are rated by customers based on their performance but they earn only when a conversion occurring on your website is generated by a product being suggested on a chat they had with the customer. Your success is their success!

Increase Conversion Rate, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Start Today!